

精心打磨, 反复沟通造就精品文书助力本科转学美国top15公立大学
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L同学之所以会选择转学,是因为这与她的个人特质以及所经历过的事情有关系的。它们之间应该是逻辑自洽的。在经历高考时,当她被所有试卷、各方的压力压的透不过气来时,引发她去思考:why everything need to be standardized? Why should all of these be the only route toward our future path? L同学追求的人生其实是能够吸收很多知识的一个过程,能够学习自己想学的东西,然后慢慢塑造自己对这个世界的看法。L同学希望的人生是一个探索与尝试的过程,不希望以后会失去主动去改变的勇气,那么转学美国就是这样一个非常重要的尝试与转变。


美国大学对于创造力的培养对L同学来说非常的重要,她喜欢的很多东西里面都是蕴含着非常饱满的创造力的。而且她觉得只有创造力,才能够真正的让自己更加的立体,表达出自己的思考等等。自身真正处理事情的时候,一定要有跳出盒子想问题的一个动力。 在大一阶段,L同学有针对性的参与一些与经济, 金融相关的社团,研讨会,并作为志愿者参与了一些国际化的支教活动。 丰富了自己的背景。这样在规划转学文书的时候,就能完美呈现一个转学的动力,心路历程,从而打动目标大学的招生官。  


    由于距离关系,我们没有见过面,通过网络与电话沟通,L同学与家长就感受到了智慧留学文书与申请老师的敬业与专业精神。后来在几次视频会议上,L同学给我们留下了深刻的印象。在申请季来临之际,文书写作老师,海外顾问与L同学反复进行沟通,对定校后个人陈述,ESSAY的布局,选材进行了反复的斟酌, 成稿后让海外招生官进行了细致的润色与加工, 最终语言风格打磨到了符合美国知名大学招生官的青睐。 最终获得了美国五大湖地区知名公立大学的录取。



I am never a person who done things by “standard successful” way. Exploring as much as possibilities has always been an important theme in my entire life. Even though I have been admitted by XXX Normal University with my outstanding GAOKAO performance, I still possess my dream to pursue a genuine academic exploration with free and investigative spirit. Here I am studying the major Management and I have been intrigued with the quantitative analysis approach to tackle the complicated issues in economics and management sciences. Our university has a comprehensive coverage on the advanced mathematics foundation of economics, social sciences related to economics, as well as business management topics, which have enabled me to prepare a solid academic foundation for my further study. And our academic advisor has regularly assigned reading assignment for us to explore the latest journal articles on quantitative analysis of related topics. By reading through such English papers, I am motived to read more English textbooks on economics, so that I am exposed to a lot of interesting case studies, analysis and theories from Western economists’ perspectives. I am especially interested in the equity investment, stock exchange market and financial derivatives that require complicated quantitative instruments. My investigation into such topics has rendered me to think about transferring to an American university so that I could obtain more systematic education on economics and business management, since US is currently the biggest consumer market, the biggest driving engine of world economy and major financial market in the world, with the most distinguished scholars and professors to enrich students with latest innovative thoughts in economics.


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