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近期智慧留学不少签约学生还在紧锣密鼓备考托福, 雅思之中, 中国考生普遍阅读能力强, 写作能力难以有效迅速提高。 美国不少大学的专业对写作单项小分有一定要求, 特别是经济, 传媒, 商业管理, 其他人文社科。 另外很多同学在冲击托福100 雅思7.5的过程中, 写作严重拖后腿。语言是一个方面, 另外是思路打不开, 不知道写什么。 智慧留学的文书团队老师都有丰富美英留学与工作经验, 有的老师之前还教过GRE SATGMAT,托福, 雅思等高难度写作课程, 在写作教学过程中大量应用原汁原味的表达方式与地道的词汇句式, 帮助大量学生申请到名校。 这与他们多年的阅读写作基本功积累分不开,在教学与写作任务之外,这些名师大量阅读如经济学人, 纽约时报,基督教科学箴言报, 时代周刊, 华尔街日报之类的英美报刊, 所以才能积累出深厚写作功底。

这是一道雅思写作真题, 大家先看一下。 这里面的课外活动内容实际也是对申请思路很有帮助的。这是美国大学培养人才的目标, 全面发展, 而不是只死读书。

Full-time university students spend a lot of time on studying, but it is essential to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

托福雅思的大作文写作题目大同小异, 都需要考生结合背景知识在限定时间写出一篇300-450字文章。 雅思对文章长度要求低一点, 托福稍高。智慧留学的老师之前与评分的英美考官沟通过, 他们原话是,your final score is in linear correlation with the length of your writing 也就是写的越长, 分数越高, 除非都是无意义车轱辘话, 评分老师不能欺负勤奋能写的人是吧。 另外他们也提到,有些机考考试评分是软件自动评分参与(如GRE GMAT 托福), 要看“三长”, 文章长, 句子长, 单词长, 这三长是评估写作水准的指标之一。如果通篇都是baby English, 幼儿园小学生水平单词, 句子肯定分数不会高。 美国老师曾说, America is a verbal country, people judge you by the vocabulary you are using in your speech and writing. 那种误以为只要能表达清楚, 句子, 词汇简单没关系的思想, 是错误的。 托福雅思, SAT GRE这些写作考试是语言与学术能力考试, 要看到一定的语言把握能力与思想深度。 其中托福雅思更重语言, SAT GRE更重学术能力与思想。所有考试的评分共同点, 要看到多样化, 就是词汇, 表达方式, 句式, 论证方法多样化。 同样的原则, 适用于留学文书的写作。 这样读者看了才能耳目一新, 留下一个非常独特的好印象, 要么给写作高分, 要么给录取与奖学金。

下面这篇文章就是智慧留学的一位老师在教学过程中与学生在半小时内同步在电脑中敲出来的。学生写作水平只要达到这个水准的70%就足以在托福, 雅思考试中获得好成绩。 多模仿范文, 多熟悉里面的词汇用法, 句式, 论证模块, 上考场就能下笔如有神。 美国教授说过, Successful imitation is the first step for effective innovation. 成功的模仿, 是有效的创新的第一步。


下面看文章, 典型的总—分—总结构。保证结构完整性,不断点题, 从而紧扣题目关键词, 保证不跑题。 这是在有限时间内写作保证高分的原则。

Nowadays, many people believe that full-time university students should spend a lot of time in extracurricular activities besides studying. I essentially agree with this viewpoint since it is concordant with the major goal of cultivating students by universities, which is to educate students to become future leaders of various sectors.

Admittedly, studying is the most imperative task for college level students, since it could enable students to establish a solid theoretical foundation to explore the unknown domains. A systematic training in the main and selective courses could allow the students to sharpen their critical thinking, creative thoughts and quantitative skills, thereby in the future, they could tackle complicated issues with novel solutions. However, merely focusing on study is not sufficient for students to obtain a well-rounded education, since there are also other crucial facets which will contribute immensely for students to achieve their career and life successes.

For instance, to become future leaders of particular social or industrial sectors with novel solutions for persisting social issues, the students should possess a philanthropic heart to provide humanitarian relief for social vulnerable groups. Therefore, during their college study, they should proactively devote into such activities to witness the disparity of social status, so that their future endeavors will eliminate the poverty, as well as achieve social justice and equal distribution of knowledge. Moreover, it is highly recommended that students could best utilize their leisure time to socialize with peers from different culture background in campus, in an attempt to locate pals with similar career goals and talents in different clubs or student associations, for preparation of potential vocational collaboration.

More importantly, college students are encouraged to involve into internships in enterprises as well, in that they could apply what they have learned in textbooks into real projects and scenarios. In research and development arena, many high technology and high-end manufacturing companies have invested huge amount of capital into cutting-edge and state-of-the-art products, so students in science and technology field could enrich their visions and thoughts by participating into projects in summer or winter vacations. For the same token, finance and management students could also obtain a lot of hands-on experiences in latest case studies and corporate strategies if they could intern in consulting firms, investment banks and other financial institutions, so that their future job hunting skills will be enhanced with the meaningful addition of such valuable experiences.

In conclusion, although studying is very important for college students, it is still highly desirable for them to participate into a wide spectrum of activities to broaden their insights and horizon for a brighter future. 

431 words

点评, 此文是教过GRE写作的美国海归老师来降维打击雅思写作, 所以充满浓浓的GRE文风, 难度超过一般托福雅思写作满分要求。很多学生觉得学习这样范文对提高词汇, 阅读也有帮助, 这是智慧留学文书团队有信心给大家拔高, 低分高录的底气所在。如果你有有兴趣让智慧留学老师来帮你提高文书, 应试能力,请在后台联系我们工作人员。




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