1.斯坦福大学:Stanford University
US News综合排名:5,申请费:$90
2.哥伦比亚大学:Columbia University
US News综合排名:5,申请费:$85
3.杜克大学:Duke University
US News综合排名:9,申请费:$85
4.北卡罗来纳州立大学:North Carolina State University
US News综合排名:81,申请费:$85
5.波士顿大学:Boston University
US News综合排名:37,申请费:$80
6.布兰迪斯大学:Brandeis University
US News综合排名:34,申请费:$80
7.康奈尔大学:Cornell University
US News综合排名:14,申请费:$80
8.达特茅斯学院:Dartmouth College
US News综合排名:11,申请费:$80
9.康涅狄格大学:University of Connecticut
US News综合排名:56,申请费:$80
10.北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
US News综合排名:30,申请费:$80
11.南加州大学:University of Southern California
US News综合排名:21,申请费:$80
12.维拉诺瓦大学:Villanova University
US News综合排名:46,申请费:$80
13.耶鲁大学:Yale University
US News综合排名:3,申请费:$80
14.巴纳德学院:Barnard College
15.波士顿学院:Boston College
US News综合排名:32,申请费:$75
16.布朗大学:Brown University
US News综合排名:14,申请费:$75
17.加州理工学院:California Institute of Technology
US News综合排名:10,申请费:$75
18.卡内基梅隆大学:Carnegie Mellon University
US News综合排名:25,申请费:$75
19.埃默里大学:Emory University
US News综合排名:21,申请费:$75
20.乔治华盛顿大学:The George Washington University
US News综合排名:56,申请费:$75
21.乔治城大学:Georgetown University
US News综合排名:20,申请费:$75
22.佐治亚理工学院:Georgia Institute of Technology
US News综合排名:34,申请费:$75
23.哈佛大学:Harvard University
US News综合排名:2,申请费:$75
24.麻省理工学院:Massachusetts Institute of Technology
US News综合排名:5,申请费:$75
25.新泽西理工学院:New Jersey Institute of Technology
US News综合排名:140,申请费:$75
26.东北大学:Northeastern University
US News综合排名:40,申请费:$75
27.西北大学:Northwestern University
US News综合排名:11,申请费:$75
28.莱斯大学:Rice University
US News综合排名:14,申请费:$75
29.雪城大学:Syracuse University
US News综合排名:61,申请费:$75
30.芝加哥大学:The University of Chicago
US News综合排名:3,申请费:$75
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