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近期智慧留学不少签约学生还在紧锣密鼓备考托福,雅思之中,中国考生普遍阅读能力还可以,写作能力却难以有效迅速提高。美国不少大学的专业对写作, 口语单项小分有一定要求,特别是经济,传媒,商业管理,其他人文社科。另外很多同学在冲击托福100,雅思7.5的过程中,写作严重拖后腿。语言是一个方面,另外是思路打不开,不知道写什么。 

智慧留学的文书团队老师都有丰富美英留学与工作经验,有的老师之前还教过GRE SATGMAT,托福,雅思等高难度写作课程,在写作教学过程中大量应用原汁原味的表达方式与地道的词汇句式,帮助大量学生申请到名校。这与他们多年的阅读写作基本功积累分不开,在教学与写作任务之外,这些名师大量阅读如经济学人,纽约时报,基督教科学箴言报,时代周刊,华尔街日报之类的英美报刊, 所以才能积累出深厚写作功底。在给同学们的背景提升, 文书写作中能大放异彩, 在众多申请材料中抓住招生官眼球, 从而脱颖而出。  

下面是一道托福写作真题,大家先看一下。面对这种问题,很多同学表示难以打开思路,就算拿汉语写,也很难写出个所以然,老师在课堂上讲错一个知识点, 要不要指出? 而且,这是很多同学感到难度非常大的三个可能性与对立观点的抉择。而非我们熟悉的正反论证。

这种作文其实不光是考英语, 还是考你的思路与背景知识,论证能力。 如果言之无物,自然很难半小时内写出像样的四百字左右的文章。这种题目会让大部分中国同学在考场上手足无措。今天教大家一个秘诀,叫从抽象到具体, 一定要在这三种可能性中,都分别讨论,阐述好处坏处,然后举例。自然可以洋洋洒洒举例写400多字。演绎论证,向前推演,永远是应试写作的指导思想。但是要求同学们平时多读多看,积累案例与背景知识,相信读完此文,大家会对智慧留学的文书老师的写作能力有个认识。

下面这篇文章就是智慧留学的一位老师在教学过程中与学生在半小时内同步在电脑中敲出来的。学生写作水平只要达到这个水准的70%就足以在托福,雅思考试中获得好成绩。多模仿范文,多熟悉里面的词汇用法,句式,论证模块,上考场就能下笔如有神。美国教授说过,Successful imitation is the first step for effective innovation. 成功的模仿,是有效的创新的第一步。

下面看文章,一共472个单词。典型的总总结构。保证结构完整性,不断点题,从而紧扣题目关键词,保证不跑题。这是在有限时间内写作保证高分的原则。(斜线隔开单词为可以替换的单词,给大家语言丰富性的一个参考, 写作时候尽量不要连续重复用词)

It is a common phenomenon that during a lecture or meeting, the speaker or teacher might have said something incorrect or inaccurate. Should the students take immediate actions to rectify the speaker, or should they wait till the lecture is concluded, or should they refrain from pointing out this? Such dilemma/issue/impasse has confused students for years and it is a complicated issue in nature, therefore, it should be determined on a case-by-case premise. From my perspective, students should point out, but not in the middle of an ongoing lecture.

First of all, it is not a rightful idea to say nothing about the mistake that the particular speaker has made. If he or she is not aware of this incorrect information, fact or concept, the speaker will continue to proliferate this faulty information to other audience. After all, the true purpose of study is to pursue truth and only truth. Therefore, it is for the best interest of the speakers to be aware of this pivotal issue, so that they could reorganize their thoughts and spread the correct information to their students. Otherwise, if this mistake keeps accumulating in scale of recipients, eventually greater aftermath will be foreseeable. And the speaker will have to confront bigger disgrace and embarrassment for teaching more students with such wrong information.

Secondly, should students point out the mistake right away, in public, or should they wait till the end of the lecture? In most of the scenarios, it is a wise and prudent choice to wait for the end of the meeting or lecture. Since the sudden interruption of the speech will render the disrupted thought of the speaker and compromise the entire quality and effect of this meeting or lecture. Moreover, the dignity of self-confidence of teacher or speaker might be impaired. Thus the sudden mixed feeling of disgrace, humiliation and chagrin of the speaker would adversely affect him or her for the rest of the lecture. Teachers, lecturers and meeting leaders are also humans, who are prone to commit errors occasionally. The students have enjoyed all the sharing of knowledge from the speaker and they shall display basic respect for him or her. Under most of the circumstances, the mistake or incorrect thing would not jeopardize the quality and accuracy of entire lecture. Therefore, it is highly recommended that whoever finds out about this error should wait till the end of the lecture to discuss with the speaker. And it is also a feasible option for the speaker to use emails or other notification approach to rectify this error, which will not be a big problem to hinder the study of students at all.

In summary, students should point out the mistake, but not instantaneously. It is a better choice to discuss this error with speaker after the completion of the meeting or lecture. 

点评,此文是教过GRE写作的美国海归老师来降维打击托福写作, 所以充满浓浓的GRE文风,难度超过一般托福雅思写作满分要求。此老师现在智慧留学为大家写作留学申请文书,深受学生喜爱。在写作的时候,由于题目是高度复杂性观点,所以可以是对照性的观点,两边都照顾到。在考官眼里,是更加成熟缜密的思维,更有希望得高分。

很多学生觉得学习这样范文对提高词汇,阅读也有帮助,这是智慧留学文书团队有信心给大家拔高,低分高录的底气所在。如果你有有兴趣让智慧留学老师来帮你提高文书,应试能力,以及留学文书的构思写作,请在后台联系我们工作人员。市面上留学机构鱼龙混杂,很多其实是把文书外包给语言大学,外语学院大一大二的学生去写,基本上只会用百度翻译,所以学生们选择留学机构时尽量看一下他们留学文书老师的背景,以及Writing Sample。但是一般机构不会给看文书,因为涉及学生隐私,所以看看托福雅思作文是个好办法。  

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