☆ 首先,推荐信找谁来写,有这么个优先级:
一、找工作与实习过程中的老美或者欧洲的经理等。因为这些人写的东西, 录取委员会第一会信任, 第二会认真看。在你工作的时候, 注意积累这些人缘。如果能有国外名人写, 就很管用。因为国外的人, 有推荐的传统与诚信的历史, 他们也重视推荐自己的下属, 这是他们工作的一部分。如果有同学在外企工作, 找老外或者在国外读过书的中国人上级写, 他们一般不会拒绝。下属要出国深造, 一般老外或者海归会以宏大的心胸去支持你的追求, 而不是因为你要辞职而不高兴。这是西方的基本职业修养。山不转水转, 谁知道你毕业后就不会回到原公司, 与他平起平坐? 或者你到了同行业其他公司,也会成为他的职业人脉。
但是如果仅仅是国内大学或者国际高中的外教,不建议找,因为国内混的外教在美国研究生院,大学眼里没什么太大的影响力。而外教写推荐信往往比较较真, 喜欢描述比较客观, 也就是实事求是,打分可能偏低。这样就不如找国内老师来的方便,可以评价高一些。
二、找自己的直接上级或者科研与研究生导师教授,这是美国人必须要看见的推荐信。而中国老板因为多数英文很一般, 基本不可能自己去写, 推荐信内容是学生或者学生找留学机构来写的已经是心照不宣的秘密,美国人对这些内容也只能半信半疑, 草草看几眼而已。除非你的老板是院士,名教授,或者大牛CEO。
三、其他经理同事, 或者任课老师。如果你哪门课考得好, 请老师 “签” 推荐信老师一般没理由拒绝。平时注意攒人品,注意推荐时候一定要提你不仅考得好,还积极领导课堂讨论, 集体课堂项目,发言积极,能与老师讨论高深疑难问题,证明你的学习能力。如problem solving, quantitative analysis, initiative to explore the unknown domain…..这些老师除非是海归老师, 一般都是你写啥他就会签啥。海归老师因为英语好,而且在西方时间长,签推荐信会比较挑剔一些。
☆ 写作注意事项:
一、夸能力要全面,包括工作态度,工作业绩,团队精神,学术能力,钻研精神, 一定要有实际例子来支持,否则就很空洞。
二、注意数封推荐信的写作风格要有差异,不能看出是出自同一人之笔,如果是写在信纸上而不是网络推荐。一定要有不同的台头信纸, 字体, 大小, 口气, 都要有区别, 有经验的代笔人员会有意识去用不一样的词汇与句式。网络填写推荐信, 注意不要过于集中发送, 会让人感觉是一起发上来的。可以隔几天发一个,有经验的留学机构就会刻意去处理好这些。
三、推荐信内容与简历与个人陈述内容不能有出入,如果拔高了,尽量跟推荐人打个招呼, 万一录取委员会心血来潮给人家发EMAIL打电话询问,结果老师一头雾水, 那就被动了。
This is Dr. XXX, Assistant Professor in XXX University in Beijing. I am pleased to recommend one of my most outstanding students, Mr. XXX into your business school to continue his graduate study.
In summer of 20XX, I have been the research project advisor for Mr. XXX. At that time he was a junior college student in XXX University of USA, and he proactively joined our research team to engage into research of Language Processing. He has chosen a very challenging topic on how to use mathematics models and algorithms to interpret the Automatic Text Summarization. Although his topic was complicated in nature, Mr. XXX could incorporate his insightful opinions on how to collect literature and reference, how to design the project and perform the quantitative analysis into the research. His undergraduate major is applied mathematics, so that his above mentioned capability is very strong to use mathematics and well-conceived algorithms to interpret seemingly complicate tasks. We have had a lot of thoughtful interactions to exchange our opinions on this topic. His English fluency is impressive so that he could carry out the research and refer to publications in English.
At the beginning, he found some complicated mathematics models were hard to harness into his research, I recommended some very comprehensive textbooks to him and he spared no effort to dig into them. After a short while, he has developed stronger quantitative analysis competence. His research captured the latest development of using quantitative approach to capture and filter the crucial information in large context of texts, and discussed how to apply different mathematics model to capture and process crucial variables. According to the presetting rules, his approach could adeptly sort and mark the text information. In addition, he also participated into the construction of emotional analysis model. I am very satisfied with his achievement. Mr. XXX has cherished this research as a valuable opportunity to train his research competence. He could best use every opportunity to communicate with me in-depth and improve her research findings step by step. I have observed the necessary characteristics of a successful business analytics student from his unyielding academic spirit.
上一篇: 艺术类学生留学美国之后带来哪些价值提升?
下一篇: 美国留学MBA申请人选校时的核心考虑因素
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