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   通过不断的面谈,网络与电话沟通,C同学与家长感受到了智慧留学文书与申请老师的敬业与专业精神。后来在几次视频会议上,C同学对于传媒学的热忱, 追求与长久的职业目标给我们留下了深刻的印象。在申请季来临之际,文书写作老师,海外顾问与Z同学反复进行沟通,对定校后个人陈述,ESSAY的布局,选材进行了反复的斟酌,成稿后让海外招生官进行了细致的润色与加工,最终文书语言风格打磨到了符合美国知名大学招生官的青睐。多所申请的学校给她发来了面试邀请。其中一所大学的视频面试有一个自我介绍的环节。

    智慧留学对于学生的面试环节历来非常重视,也是保证我们多年来能低分高录的诀窍之一。 一般对于没有在英美读本科的同学,我们都建议对于常见的一些问题写逐字稿,俗话说,一熟遮百丑。哪怕口语,口音没那么地道,只要说得流利,自信,也能获得不错的印象。在面试前我们的老师都会给学生进行模拟面试并指出存在需要改进的地方。功夫不负有心人,C同学获得了美国东北部知名私立大学传媒学的录取。



I am very interested in Marketing Communication Research. During my college study, I spend a lot of time to investigate into consumer behaviors and psychology, and I believe this is the field that media professionals must explore during information and new media era. I have always hoped to found a mass communication and public relation company, to promote brand images for different clients, including commercial and non-profit projects. This master program in XXX University can help me to analyze the consumer behaviors with more scientific approach. And the quantitative analysis will help me to extract crucial information and data, so that I could conduct research on people’s consumption inclinations, habits and choices, which will come up with targeted communication plan. I hope I will devote into the brand strategy, social media or interactive marketing, as well as research and development of creative industry. Therefore, the master of mass communication program in XXX University will tremendously help me to achieve my goals.

I am good at graphic, video and website design, so my background is more media than business. After I graduated from college, I have cooperated with my friend to found a corporate marketing research firm. We have done a lot of research on the domestic brands. Through these efforts, I have developed a good mastery on social marketing software, marketing data collection and analysis ability. I like to socialize and make friend, so my networking and creativity capabilities are also pretty good. In my opinion, it is important to be open-minded in my future graduate study, so that I could communicate effectively with my classmates to exchange thoughts. In this way, we can interpret certain viewpoint and theory from multiple perspectives .


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